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Preserved lemons? Yes please ..

potato garden-1040647

It has been raining here on and off for the past week, which by the way is fab! The plants are loving the water from above – the grass is green again, trees are standing to attention and my garden is growing like mad! True.

As for my toms and zucchini garden, well these two plants are toughing it out, a struggle for garden dominance. Why? Because I overplanted this space. I always do – bugger! Mind you, I’m hauling out nasturtium, lemon balm and the odd weed from this space, to try and free up some room. One of the zuccs is looking shabby which is surprising. I suspect that the wind has given it a battering. Might need to haul it out and replace it of course!

Had a wee accident this week with the famous Oscar Neo juicer. Someone had put the cleaning brush into the vege shoot. Did I see it? Did I? No I didnt. The long and the short is poor Oscar made some fairly shocking noises while endeavouring to grind the plastic into some form of drink. Sadly within a matter of seconds the damage was done and the cylinder and its contents unusable. Well the good news is, the damaged bits have been replaced and the engine is working just fine. So to celebrate, I made a really horrible juice this morning and tipped it down the hatch. It’s great to have you back Oscar!

If you love preserved lemons like I do, and have an abundance, then you must preserve them. A good buddy of mine Greg Malouf who I had the pleasure of working with in the 90s, has the best recipe for these salty wonders which go perfectly with a chook roast and make the tastiest gravy you are ever likely to make. If you love honey, lemons, salt & cinnamon you must give this a go! Recipe next time – I promise.

I’m hauling out beetroot and lettuce, and watching my cucumbers grow. My runner beans are showing off racing up their metal trellis. I’m in the throes of removing all the garlic, but it I have to ‘speed’ things up to get the 3 sister’s garden in next ( or 4 in my case). Lucky me, I got given some Lebanese cucumber seedlings by a friend and these are going to get poked in somewhere very soon! Yum.

Meet Dan our Border Collie .. who really doesn’t believe he is a dog! Love Muriwai beach …

Happy gardening

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