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“Colin did you crow?”


Was that a crow I heard this morning? Was it?

Today is nothing short of a ‘stunner’ of a day. Gorgeous and with a bit of luck, I’m going to close the office early and flee outdoors. My garden is calling!

We have had some rain lately as you do, leaving the ground in different parts of the property soggy, while other parts are just darned slippery. I even went for a bit of a skate the other day while checking on the bananas.

Speaking of the latter, bananas are a giant herbaceous plant and not a tree as some may think. Each stem will only fruit once and after it has done so, it needs to be chopped down at ground level. The stem in the pic above, is due to hit the ground. It can’t bear the weight of the hand that is trying to grow. Looks like we will have another bunch to ripen in the garage!

And in no particular order, some winter pics of Frog Pond Farm.

I love this shot of self seeded garlic which is growing very happily in our orchard next to a Luisa plum.

Who said turkeys can’t fly? Well done Dan (our border collie).

Our wonderful duck pond – we are so very lucky to have this which is feed by a natural spring – love the reflection.

Some of our olive trees – easy to see which ones have been pruned? And yes, I did two last weekend! Big pat on the back.

A view up the valley. The orchard is immediately in front with rose geranium growing at the base of our apple trees – it’s meant to scare off the codlin moth. There are cabbage trees, canna lilies, yucca and flax dotted along the creek. Let’s call it garden madness! There is a massive totara to the right with a denuded poplar in front and a weeping willow busting to get into the shot. Our olive grove is sprawled on the hillside looking rather unkempt. And yes, those are pines in our chook paddock.

Lichen happily growing on our liquidambar.

Lambs playing in the sunshine.

Seaweed mania! I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I saw this seaweed. Except … it was so big I couldn’t bundle it into my bag. I had to leave it on the beach. Quick where are my tissues!

And to finish off .. a pooch having some fun on our local beach!

Happy gardening!


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