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Outdoors and loving spring!

We have a long weekend coming up Labour Day. Nice. Time to poke those Cherokee tomatoes into the dirt with some good buddies close by like basil. I’m even thinking of popping in a chamomile too – home grown of course. Yes, it is planting time at Frog Pond Farm. More on that next post.

Our bees have been rather busy lately, tossing another old queen out of her hive. She has her supporters though, so they vacate with her. This time they were within a few feet of a hive suspended from our loquat tree, which by the way is a splendid looking tree but doesn’t provide fruit! Shameful. Interesting, apparently they are self-fertile and pollinated by bees. Really?

I have been using Rok Solid at our place now for several years. It is an amazing fertiliser in a powdered form, made from basalt rock, seaweed and fish fert. The smell is particularly nice – well I think so. We had 1/2 a tonne delivered the other day so no guesses as to what we have been doing over the weekend. Olives, citrus, feijoas and orchard done! And then it rained and rained. Good timing.

Our clucky chook Gladys is still doing a sterling job at incubating those eggs. Which I might add, have changed in colour ever so slightly and weight. Chicks are on the way .. only another 10 days to go. Perfect!

My brother arrives on Saturday. I’m so excited. He is such a great bloke and like myself has a rather large green thumb! It will be so nice to have an extra pair of hands and someone to yak to while gardening.

I’m loving spring and so is our garden! The grass is growing like mad as are the weeds! I have been ripping out bindweed which is located next to our creek. It is in the convolvulus family and particularly enjoys binding itself around other plants, eventually hauling them to the dirt like some wrestler. Rest assured, this won’t be happening on my shift!

Spuds – there are more of them poking their greenery through those mounds and as much as I had hoped that the chooks would leave them alone, Sally can’t help herself. She is as light as a feather and easily flies up and over the gate, heading straight for the spud plot. Time to clip a wing. Think painless and spud saving!

Well that’s it for me you know the drum ..

Happy gardening!

PS I had to pop up another beach shot .. loving walks on the beach in spring!

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