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July at our place …

I was wandering about my garden yesterday admiring my vegetables as I do, hoisting the odd weed, mounding brassicas and promising those voracious feeders, that I would be back soon with some homemade fertiliser.

The veg garden and duck pond

Did I return? Yes, I waltzed back camera in hand, parting leaves to gloat at the purple Sicilian cauli or the  broccoli. The latter may be super tiny, but they are growing!

Bashful brassica

So with watering can in hand, today I sloshed about liquid fertiliser.  Garlic and walking onions were the lucky recipients. Standing back to admire, I wiped my hands on my pants (nasty habit) and with an eye to the sky, opted to leave nature to it. The rain had started again.

Gorgeous garlic

Brassica art

Do you have ducks? We have two ponds, one of which is located near the orchard. This is home to several pairs of wild Mallard ducks. Given that our chickens receive restaurant tucker, the ducks arrive at meal time unannounced and uninvited.

So with this in mind, it is no surprise really that we have ducks – several. Given the time of year though, it won’t be long before Mrs Duck will be laying her eggs and then sitting tight for the next 4 weeks.  While they appear to be on the ‘smart’ side, they aren’t given for being particularly ‘street smart’, so it is super important to watch out for Mrs Duck and her ducklings. Oh the joys of living on a lifestyle block. Would I give it up? Not on your life …

I’m sitting at the kitchen table tapping away on the keyboard. Hubby is busy cooking dinner from a Dish magazine, we are having braised pork with chorizo sausage and white beans. Sound rather nice doesn’t it? I’m thinking I might be naughty and have a glass of Pinot Noir with it. Good idea?

Raiding the freezer before, I hauled out some figs, poached quince and peaches (Bill you will be pleased to know, those frozen peaches are amazing!). I’m going to bake the fruit drizzling it with lemon juice and some honey, topping it with a divine crumble made with white chocolate, macadamias, coconut, butter, rolled oats, honey and and … Pictures to come promise.

But I do have some beach pics to share

Winter swimming .. oh so cold

Morning walks at Muriwai

iPhone magic 

Keep off the dunes .. please

Salty the pup

That’s it from me

Happy gardening friends

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