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A mighty summer

Frog Pond Farm is looking particularly lush – we have had some rain recently, well quite a lot actually.

The grass is electric green.

Chook towers

Our property is approx 10 acres and being a chicken fan, I dedicated a paddock to my feathered friends. For all those that don’t have chooks you are probably unaware that they have mites, little suckers that stay up late at night feasting on the chickens while they sleep. Chook vampires! Anyway, these guys can be a problem especially for those clucky girls who have stopped their day-to-day beauty regime (think dust bathing). There is a host of ways to reduce the number of these vermin. Keeping a clean environ is a good start.

I learnt something new the other day .. mites aren’t too fussed whose blood they sample. Thanks to the amount of broody chickens we have had this summer, the mite population had grown significantly. So while giving chook towers a good clean, removing and replacing hay from the nest boxes and shavings from the floor, unbeknownst to me, several mites (I hate to think how many) had climbed inside my clothing. Their bites went unnoticed, the scratching that followed didn’t. I’m sure the pharmacist found it amusing when I asked for an antihistamine and soothing balm.

Hubby is back now and has been incredibly busy … the property has been mowed with a vengeance which makes me grin and the dog bark happily. The air is filled with the buzzing of cicadas.

Lost in thought under the pines

I have been busy too …  I’ve made chow chow pickle and an Indian plum chutney both of which will be divine topped on cheese. I’ve also pickled some jalapeño chillies, stewed and frozen loads of plums and peaches.

Not to be outdone, hubby also pickled some plums (this is going to be a hot brew) and has invested in a bread maker, churning out a nice brown loaf the other day.

As the star in our kitchen (Bill) isn’t with us this summer, I thought it was high time that I attempted my first ever pavlova. And it was, I have to say, delicious. Topped with chopped crystalline ginger, cream and lemon yoghurt.

We are having a summer to remember in and out of the kitchen.

And a long shot just for hubby … 

Happy gardening

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