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Out and about in Melbourne

Winter time in Auckland can be chilly and damp, I won’t mention the wind – LOL. I have just returned from a trip to Melbourne which made me appreciate our relatively temperate climate in Auckland. A phone call home to hubby and it quickly became apparent that he was gloating, “We have had three back-to-back frosts and yes the taro and canna lilies have been zapped, but the days have been nothing short of stunning”. Just what I needed to hear given I was on the other side of the Tasman and it was bleak, incredibly cold and wet. To top it off, I had way over packed prior to leaving, so that there was absolutely no room for any of those wonderful clothes that were on sale in Melbourne – the city for female shoppers! Go figure …

Never mind, Melbourne was fab – it is such a great city. Cosmopolitan, loaded with culture, has wonderful restaurants, cafes, and cake shops 😀 brilliant shopping, my family live there as do some very special friends. Plus, I met up with Leanne Cole photographer extraordinaire, toting my camera of course! How lucky was I?

So with the trip in mind I have included a few pics – out and about in Melbourne. Food, street art and a few other bits and pieces.

Oh it is great to be home though! You will be pleased to know that my garden is still growing and feeding us, the daily supply of eggs is increasing (good girls), I think I may have reduced the slug population 😉 at last and I’m back on track weeding, feeding and admiring our lovely space!

Happy gardening!

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