Site icon Frog Pond Farm

A touch of frost …

Hubby is cooking me dinner again tonight – Spaghetti Vongole, my contribution will be a tasty Greek Salad. Spoilt aren’t I?

His signature dish … a ‘sort of Paella’

I woke up the other morning rolled over thrust my hand under the bed and let my fingers locate the iPhone. It wasn’t ringing, I just needed to see what was happening in the blogging world. Do you do that? The question is, am I predictably boring? Heaven forbid!  Wordpress was telling me, that apparently there was  a spike in my stats .. how nice to read that while waking up. I actually have no idea why (I’ve become particularly bad with regular posting) – but thanks to everyone that stopped by to see what I have been up to!

My garden is looking particularly shabby. Worse in the rain and we have had plenty of that … Slugs and snails have done a fine job in the brassica bed leaving holes in leaves, while four legged vermin have dug tunnels amongst my garlic.

That will teach me for burying tasty food scraps in this space. I  have a runner bean that thinks it is summer and is flowering, no peas as I ripped them out, and no sign of those broad beans which I planted over a week ago (yes I’m incredibly impatient). You will be pleased to hear that I have been using my worm tea – in the garden of course, I couldn’t imagine drinking this stuff!

And a visit by Jack Frost

Busy nights …

As you do when you are down a pair of hands and you have lots of piles of pruned branches that need mulching, you get smart and ring someone to help. Lorrine from Block Busters arrived last week towing a rather large tractor on a similar sized trailer. Not a chipper in sight but instead a plate mulcher which is attached to the rear of the tractor. Lorrine easily manoeuvred the tractor about – dropping the tray onto piles of prunings which disappeared in no time. It was hard not be be impressed. Job done and dusted!

I’ve been good too – there is a rather large bag of lemons in the freezer waiting to be preserved, plus I dried and froze more chillies. I have my eye on the kale, it’s ready to juice and there is beetroot growing rather nicely in my salad garden.

We have had four days of brilliant sunshine – I can hear my garden calling!

Fun at the beach … someone loves a walk in a storm! 😀

Life is good isn’t it?

Happy gardening

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