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Leaky hose

birds at Muriwai beach

While watering my veg garden the other morning before the heat of the day, I noted that some things just never change.

After all these years and given that I really do know better, I still over plant. Why I planted three zucchini in close confines is baffling. Why I planted a cucumber next door is even stranger?  It appears that I have created a cucurbit nightmare! Still it could be worse, the cucumber could be a pumpkin! LOL

Mookie a sheep with attitude

I’m a huge fan of flowers in my veg gardens – I’m sure my Dad would roll his eyes and wonder why I was dedicating so much space to the floral beauties, but then he was a real gardener.  I adore flowers in my garden even when they are particularly bossy like the cosmos which is smothering a chilli plant, or the self seeded calendula which is intent on garden take over. Sadly though, some of my tomatoes have blight which brings a tear to the eye and sterilised secateurs to the hand, as I snip off infected leaves and bin them, strangely they are slowly losing foliage. There are literally weeds everywhere, Liseta spuds which need digging up and the usual garden mayhem. Still all is not bad, the salad garden is on steroids, so is the corn and the runner beans are skyward bound, while their dwarf buddies have been feeding us for a few weeks now. Did I mention that the green shield beetles are back?

Our veg garden is perched on a hillside. This as you can imagine can make watering the garden interesting, as it involves hauling the hose along behind me. It just so happens that our hose has a leak from the nozzle, which conveniently manages to dribble water into my gumboot while I’m in the throes of watering. I loathe this, as sloshing about the hillside in a damp gummy isn’t much fun … why I haven’t fixed this yet, I have no idea!

Well as it has become rather obvious, I’m devoid of pics of my garden which is bizarre as it really is quite stunning. Mind you so is the beach.

Perdie and Jess
Muriwai beach
Dan our beautiful old pooch

I promise garden shots next post, more news and who knows, I might even start regular posting again, fingers crossed!

Happy New Year and happy gardening …

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